Children and Youth Ministries

Enriching Faith, Celebrating
Life Together

Sunday School, Confirmation, G2: High School, Vacation Bible School, Mission Trip


Sunday School

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What is Sunday School like at Christus?

Learning about the wonderful, life-giving stories in the Bible is incorporated into the Children’s Sermon each week.

Each week in Sunday School, children explore Old and New Testaments stories through technology, cooking, art, science, games and more.

Sunday School begins September 15th and is held most Sundays from 10:15am-11:00am.

2024/2025 Sunday School schedule

Ages PreK through 5th grade are welcome. If you have questions or want your child to join our Sunday School, please email Christine, Director of Youth Ministry.


“Kids teach the faith just as much as the adults!”




What is Confirmation like at Christus?

Youth are one of the highlights at Christus. Youth are actively involved in many parts of Christus life: worship, music, faith education, fellowship, and mission/service. Our Confirmation program engages 6th, 7th, and 8th grade youth in a three-year program culminating in the Rite of Confirmation.

Through dynamic large group teaching, youth embark on a journey through the 10 Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, and The Apostles’ Creed. Youth are able to process the lesson deeper during small group time which is facilitated by two adult volunteers (mentors).

Confirmation begins Wednesday, September 25th, with a Parent/Youth Orientation at 6:30pm.

2024/2025 Confirmation schedule

Contact Christine if you are interested.

“Confirmation is about learning real faith & applying it to everyday life.”


G2: High School Youth


G2 – High School Youth

The high school youth are welcome to participate in our youth group, G2, where faith and fellowship go hand in hand. All of our youth programs are open and welcoming to all youth who would like to come and check it out.

Your family does not have to be a member of Christus. G2 meets Wednesday evenings beginning at 6:00pm at Christus.


“The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.”

– Søren Kirkegaard


Vacation Bible School


Sonworld adventure park coming august 2025


Appalachia Youth Mission Trip 2025


Where: Central Appalachia

When: July 19-26, 2025

Who: All 6th grade thru 12th grade youth

Cost: $625.00

What will we be doing? Various home repair projects to help families have warmer, safer, and drier homes.

Sign up by sending a non-refundable $100 deposit to the Church Office, Attention Christine. Or, use fundraising money for a deposit. Let Christine know you want to go.